Welcome To Right At Home - East Houston/ Pasadena Tx

Information: Age is something that comes and affects all of us. No matter what we can't reverse aging, sure we might be able to look younger, reverse the way age affects our looks and such, and with proper fitness regimens and diets we can make our bodies last longer and not feel the effects of age. But no matter what when we age we won't be able to do things as we used to. Things will become harder and harder little by little and tasks that were once simple and we gave no thought to have now become obstacles and something we would all hate to do is trouble and become a burden to our loved ones. It's hard to admit when you or a loved one needs help but don't think you have no options out there. Here in Pasadena and East Huston TX there is help in the form of Right At Home In Home Care & Assistance.

At Right At Home we understand that you are busy with your family and your career and although you love them deeply, caring for an aging mother or father or loved one can take its toll on you and your family and the normal routine. You don't want some stranger to take care of them, you want someone you can trust, and someone you know will help them, someone who will keep them company, and someone who will know what to do under pressure and in an emergency and most important of all, someone who genuinely cares about them.

Our staff here at Right At Home is exactly what you are looking for. They are the people you want taking care of your aged loved one because after our intense screening process and selection along with our additional training and education to add to the training, education and experience they already have, we are sure that they have a genuine love and care for their job and the people they take care of.

The care our staff provides is tailored specifically to the client's needs; we don't follow a cookie cutter rule book where one method works for all. We know that every individual is just that, individual. They all have a special set of needs and care that our staff will work with and learn so that the client will feel fine and comfortable with their in home assistance. We offer that and so much more, so if you need assistance for your aging loved one give Right At Home a call. Learn More

Service Areas:

  • Pasadena
  • Houston
  • La Porte
  • Deer Park
  • Baytown